Agroforestry Packages
Agroforestry packages include feature trees (high stratum), such as a citrus, avocado, ulu, jackfruit, banana or other tropical fruit, nut or spice tree. Shrub plants (medium stratum), such as papaya, mulberry or surinam cherry, and ground cover plants (low stratum) such as herbs, plants that attract pollinators, and perennial greens, native and nitrogen-fixing ground cover plants,
*Please email for an updated inventory of varieties available.
Regenerative Plant Packages
The Regenerative Plant Package includes varieties to control erosion, build large amounts of biomass, break-up compaction layers in the soil, provide a source of ‘living mulch’, ‘in-field windbreaks’ to reduce evapotranspiration, add deep carbon and stable nitrogen to the system.
Kitchen Garden Plant Package
Our kitchen garden packages include two fruit, nut or spice trees, four shrubs and a combination of culinary and medicinal herbs and vines. Available plants include: Ashwaghanda, Banana (including cooking banana), Elderberry, Fig Trees, Lavender, Rare Lilikoi Varieties, Meyers Lemon, Mamaki, Rosemary, Thyme, Nasturtium and other edible flowers.
Outdoor Bathroom Plant Package
Our outdoor bath packages include six clumping bamboo plants, awaphui (shampoo ginger), Shell or Torch Ginger, Hanging heliconia, Loofah plants (or Sponge Gourd, both night and day blooming) and fern plants.
Lei Garden Package
Our lei garden package allows you to choose from a variety of flower and greenery trees, shrubs and ground covers, including Akia, Crown Flower, Moa, Ohai Alii, Pua Kenikeni, Palapalai or Leather fern, Plumeria, Orchids, and Stephanosis.