Regenerative Farm Design & Services
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View a demonstration of a Regenerative Farm Plan
How We Work
View a demonstration of a Regenerative Farm Plan
How We Work
Regenerative Farm Plans are a valuable resource that will help you actualize your vision for the land, communicate action plans with contractors and onsite teams, and prioritize your energy and resources. Whether you’re bringing fallow land into production or working with land that has existing vegetable or tree crops, developing a comprehensive plan and setting up systems on your farm are foundational steps to running a successful farm.
The first step to implementing your farm plan is to select a priority project. Many of our clients work with us to develop a Project-Level Plan to guide them through the process of prepping the land, setting-up irrigation, placing an order for plant and materials, securing skilled labor and equipment, estimating costs and reviewing detailed project plans with partners. All of our project-level plans are designed to minimize labor hours spent on maintenance and harvest and to maximize the aesthetic beauty of your farm.
We offer Installation Services for those who would like to learn by our side or don’t have the time to do the work themselves. Working with our local partners, we’re able to offer irrigation installation, plant installation, water reservoir or pond installation and a variety of regenerative farm systems (e.g. vermicast systems).
Our maintenance packages are intended to help our clients optimize the health and yields of their crops by routinely applying fertilizers, running, weeding and checking-irrigation lines and soil moisture levels.
We assist our clients access markets that are easy to work with and are willing to pay premium prices for produce grown using regenerative practices.