Standard soil fertility tests ($100) include a site visit to sample the soil, lab submissions of the soil sample, and recommendations for organic, biological and carbon amendments and fertilizers to address any mineral imbalances in the soil.

Soil paste tests ($200) include a site visit to sample the soil, lab submission of the soil sample, and recommendations. Soil paste tests are a good indicator of the soluble nutrients that are available in the soil solution and readily plant-available. Soil paste tests also identify potential toxicity provided through your soil and irrigation water supply. In addition to the standard information provided on a soil fertility test, including macronutrients, pH, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), this test also includes micronutrients, EC, ammonium and nitrate tests. This shows the amount of plant available forms of nitrogen available in the soil (consider comparing this test with a sap analysis of the amount of nitrate, ammonium, urea and amino acids). Our recommendations focus on identifying stable forms of nitrogen, such as hydrosalts which provide nitrogen in a more complex form of amino acids and proteins, saving your plant up to 25% energy which can be used to boost plant growth and yields. The soil paste taste and nitrate testing can also provide a snapshot into the efficiently your source of nitrogen fertilizer. These tests may indicate the need of a more efficient source of nitrogen fertilizer is needed for optimal plant health and should be used along with management practices that use the application of organic matter with a C:N ratio of 15:5 to improve the ability of the biological system to fix atmospheric nitrogen and to encourage plant absorption of large molecules (rather than single mineral ions) and endocytosis. Based on the minerals lacking in your soil paste test, we often recommend a foliar application of nutrients, ensuring an adequate supply of nitrogen, manganese, iron, magnesium and phosphorus to to increase photosynthesis and enough molybdenum and iron to ensure nitrogen-fixing microbes can make atmospheric nitrogen available for your plants.

Soil paste and Irrigation water ($250) includes a site visit to sample the soil, irrigation water, lab submission of the soil sample, and recommendations.

Site visits include an in-field soil health assessment, focusing on the rhizosphere health, presence and diversity of soil life, soil aggregate stability and the capacity of your soil toLearn what minerals and nutrients are in your soil and can be harnessed to grow nutrient dense. If you do not already have a soil fertility test, this is the most cost effective and essential place to start.

Price Lists - Soil Fertility & Health Tests

The nutrient management plan starts with a site visit and review of any soil fertility, soil health or crop tissue tests. The plan will suggest a rate, frequency and source for organic, carbon and biological amendments and fertilizers which can be applied as soil soaks, seed soaks, and foliar applications. The nutrient regime will be monitored and adapted using Brix readings. The total cost for your nutrient management & monitoring plan is $200.

For those growing a key crop commercially, in addition to the steps above, we can use a sap analysis to build your nutrient program. The Sap Analysis and Nutrient Management Plan is $300 for the year. The nutrient management plan will be updated based on sap analysis reports. (Sap analysis can be ordered in addition to a soil fertility lab test without a nutrient management plan for $135).

Maintenance visits are available to apply and monitor nutrients recommended in your plan. Each visit is $75 a hour and most visits can be completed within the hour.

Price Lists - Nutrient Management & Monitoring Plan

The Soil Health & Farm Management Plan is intended to build on soil fertility and soil health tests. The cost of the plan with the soil tests is $625. The price of the plan without soil testing is $475. Three consultations are included with the plan. The plan is intended to be a living document, presenting a phased for restoring your land and setting-up farm systems for soil building, improving nutrient cycling, and reducing compaction areas, and cultivating soil biology profiles best suited for your crops. The plan includes a 18-month list of priority projects developed for each growing area on your land.

Price Lists - Soil Health Management & Farm Plan

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Price Lists - Bulk Soil & Crop Amendments