Soil Health & Foodscape Design Consultation.

We start the consultation with a soil fertility and soil health test on your land. Once results are received, we develop an amendment strategy. I also provide education on how to create your own amendments using local and seasonal materials. We can also set soil health goals and setup a system so you can measure your improvements over time.

For those interested in growing their own nutrient-dense foods, meeting at our farm allows us to demonstrate some simple soil and amendment building setups and back-yard agro-forestry designs.

Sourcing & Preparing Nutrient-dense food.

For those of you interested in sourcing nutrient-dense food, we can help connect you with farmers in our local Bio-nutrient dense Food Association (BFA). We also source refractormeters, which can measure the amount of complex compounds in your produce. This is a measure of nutrient density. For those just getting started on the path to eating more healthy and cooking whole foods, we can show you how to start processing, preparing and making food and medicines out of various plants. We will also share resources for improving your water and how to source minerals naturally from your environment.

Your body can regenerate cells and organs, create new neurological pathways, respond to information from exosomes transferred from other organisms- but you have to do the work. If you don’t change your environment, you will keep generating the same state of stress, inflammation and disease.